Our European Labour Pool

As the second wave of COVID-19 spreads across Europe, many national governments are adding more and more countries to their “mandatory quarantine” list, more commonly known as countries in the “red zone”. These continuous and last-minute changes are having a drastic effect for our clients on site as it is impossible to plan with any certainty under these conditions. Not only will this potentially delay a mobilisation by up to two weeks but any operatives who are on rotation at the time will then be unable to return as scheduled.

Never has it been so important for us to utilise the large and diverse pool of labour we have available across Europe. Our stapled presence on projects in over 10 countries means we are well networked with operatives in the surrounding countries and are able to source candidates from all over the UK and EU at the drop of a hat.

This is always of benefit when we have a white-collar requirement which stipulates the candidate must speak the native language of the country where the project is located. We understand the importance of being able to find candidates who not only speak the language but understand the culture and the law of the land. This understanding has given us the edge many times over our competitors as instead of just ticking boxes on a client requirement, we are dedicated in finding the right candidate who can exceed in the role.

Another advantage of having resources from multiple locations is that we are able to ensure candidates are mobilised ultra-compliantly with the national qualifications for that country. For example, in Finland, it is mandatory for any operatives performing electrical work to have SFS6002 accreditation as well as First Aid and in Switzerland, many industry specific qualifications have to be approved by SUVA (the Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund) which normally means the course has to be performed in Switzerland. Mobilising non nationals to countries with such requirements can not only be costly but can result in severe delays.  Our ability to mobilise on a national basis in most countries means we can submit candidates who are ready to start on site from the off.

As projects are popping up all across Europe, having such a large pool of labour available both nationally and in surrounding countries means we can mobilise quickly and if needed, in volume. Operatives can be ready to start, fully compliant with site rules and regulations within a day or two. For a hyperscale data centre in the Netherlands last year, we had over 500 operatives of various disciplines working on site. Thanks to our extensive experience with mobilising high numbers of operatives from multiple locations, we were sometimes inducting 35 operatives from one week to the next.

If you would like to find out more or have a requirement we can assist with, please get in touch with our Project Manager, Shannon Earl at shannone@eusiteservices.com

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